
Performance Review Criteria for FTNTT Faculty

Performance reviews will follow the procedures and time-table established by the University.  Because most full-time temporary faculty are employed primarily to teach 15 hours per term rather than to conduct research and provide service, the quality of teaching is the most important consideration in reappointing non-tenure track faculty.

The faculty member being reviewed must provide the department Chair with a current vita, a summary of student evaluations from all courses that have been taught during the review period, and other representative course materials such as syllabi and examinations.  A reflective memo on the faculty member's teaching, which should include a self-evaluation, should also be provided.  The review criteria for instructional FTNTT faculty are:

1.  Responsible performance of assigned duties

2.  Effective classroom instruction

  • As  evidenced by peer reviews and student evaluations

3.  Quality of course content

  • Includes demonstrating currency in course content and in pedagogical techniques

For the 3-year and 6-year Full Performance reviews, the  Ad Hoc Promotion and Tenure Committee will evaluate the candidate and vote on renewal of the FTNTT faculty member鈥檚 appointment.  The discussion and vote provides the chair with a Faculty perspective on the appointment.  The Chair shall independently assess the teaching record of the candidate and reach a separate recommendation regarding renewal of the appointment, which would usually be consistent with the vote of the Ad Hoc Promotion and Tenure Committee.  The Chair will provide the faculty member being reviewed with a written summary of the review and an indication of whether or not an additional appointment may be anticipated and, if so, under what programmatic, budgetary and/or anticipated staffing or projected enrollment circumstances. 

If the faculty member being reviewed is appointed in the Regional Campus System, the Chair's summary of the review and the renewal of appointment recommendation will be forwarded to the Campus Dean, who has the final budgetary and staffing authority for renewing the appointment.