Membership & Support
Supporting the Performing Arts Center through our Membership Recognition Program is important and vital to our continued success. Your support shows a lasting commitment to the PAC and allows us to provide access to the arts to everyone in our community and beyond. This access is the bedrock on which thousands of amazing, shared experiences are built each and every year. Become a member today and let鈥檚 do great things together!

Thank you to our Friend, Sustaining Patron, and Dean's Circle Members: | |
Anonymous (58) Marie Abbuhl Al and Doris Amicone William and Mary Ankney Mark and April Anthe Joe and Bev Antonelli Berlinda Artzner-Gordon Kevin and Amelia Ayers Anita and Denny Bagnola Greta L. Baker Patricia Barnes Craig and Kay Barnett Ron and Patricia Bartlebaugh Lynne Bassetti Candy Beaber Jerry Beaber Wayne and Diana Beaber Ron and Dorraine Beans Robert and Diane Beavers Paul and Sue Behm Klaus and Karen Beinkampen Benchmark Construction Bob and Jane Bennett Marilyn Berk Dick and Pat Bible Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bichsel Buzz and Barbara Bonisolli Beccie Booth Sandra Bornhorst Eugene and Faye Breehl Richard and Patricia Breneman Ron and Carolyn Brodzinski Bill and Connie Brown Shirley Brug Dr. Douglas and Mrs. Kathleen Burkhardt Brad and Sue Call Leah Jane Carlisle Attorney and Mrs. James Carrothers M. Diane Cartell Randy and Sue Case Karen Chaney Constance M. and John Clark Dan and Esther Clark Mike and Rhonda Clark Keith and Jennifer Clemens Dwain and Connie Colvin Romaine Coniglio Ed and Debbie Cook Leroy and Sue Cope Larry and Dianne Coulter Roger and Judith Daniels John and Susan Davis Rich and Carol Dean Paul and Mary Deibel Jane Deitrick Christopher P. DelaCruz, Attorney at Law Dr. Tim and Mary Sue Desiato Michael and Linda Devine Charles Doan David E. Drennon Shawn and Terri Dudziak Dale Duerr D.V.M. Lynda Dunlap Linda Earley Robert and Sally Eckert David Engelhart Joe and Susie Erickson Bill and Donna Ferris Dale and Judy Fincher Cliff and Connie Finton Tom and Eileen Foti John Foust and Wayne York Tim and Karen Fox Carol A. Fox Tom and Beth Fragasse Rick and Bev Frantz Pete and Beth Franz Rob and Heidi Frutchey Betty Fulton Stan and Sue Gamber Sharon Garl Richard and Cathy Geib Kimberly George and Gary Coen Ghezzi Family, Scott, Sarah, Bella Robert and Mary Lou Gillen John and Sue Glazer Paul and Rosamond Gordon Ed and Cathy Gould John and Maribeth Gowins Jon and Judy Graef Larry and Denise Graham Anthony and Deanna Grasselli Joyce Ann Greco David and Leslie Grimmett Glen and Ann Groh Chuck and Connie Guthrie Mary and Kathy Hamilton Steve Handley Family Jeff and Mariann Harding Bill and Monica Harding Jim and Carmel Haueter Dr. Ed and Lorrie Hawk Gail Hedges and David Mackey Bill Hensel Barry Hess and Marsha Bender Dwain Hicks and Elizabeth Kirk Hicks Jodi and Blair Hillyer Paul and Sue Hoffman Rick Hoffmann and Melanie Wright Godfrey and Cyndy Holzbach Kraig and Cyndy Host Tim and Patty Hostetler Bill and Gail Houglan Barbara and Anthony Hren James D Huff in Memory of Linda K. Huff Betty Huffman Ralph and Georgina John Dave and Nancy Johnson Mark and Marsha Judy Rich and Zoe Ann Kelley Kemp Insurance Dan and Donna Kinsey Ernie and Jan Kleski Koch Funeral Home Larry and Joyce Kolakowski Doug, Angela and Jordi Kopp Kevin Korns Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Dougherty Co., L.P.A. Jim Moore and Lori Kuehne Kurz-Kasch Larry and Becky Kutcher Karen and Dale Lacheta Lahman Lawn and Landscaping Fred and Laura Landon Linda L. Laughlin Carol Lautenschleger Bob and Su Leahy Harvey and Cynthia Lemire | Annette and Bruce Levengood Karol Lindow John and Darlene Lischak In Memory of Grace M. Long Randy and Diane Longacher David and Sheri Longfellow Steve and Elaine Maag Karen Smith Maize Bev Marconi Tim and Marie Martini Jonathan and Bonnie Mason Ken and Rita Mast Steve and Becky Mastin Dr. Steve and Pam Maurer Beverly McCall McClaskey Insurance - Dan and Pam McClaskey Paula and Rusty McDevitt Jeanne and Jan McDonald Jan and Roni McInturf Larry and Berit McMillan Troy and Susan McMillan Rick and Jeannie Michel Jed, Machelle and Meghan Miller Susan Miller and Family Rob and Vickie Miller Colleen and Jim Milliken Ed and Lucy Milliken Renee Miskimmin and Glenn Mears David and Shannon Mitchell Steve and Kay Mitchell Mark and Bev Montgomery Sheila Moore Donna and Bill Morgan Chuck and Paula Moyer Judith Mueser Patricia Murphy John and Julie Murray Neidenthal & Co. Chris Nixon North Star Community of Dover Drs. Jim and Mabry O'Donnell Edward and Mary O'Farrell Kajsa Patterson Debra Pearch Julia Phillips 麻豆影院 and Sherry Pongrat 麻豆影院 and Lisa Porch Waliah Poto Jack and Cinda Pottmeyer Bob and Tara Preston Progressive Foam Technologies Carol Radefeld Mrs. Craig Rader Rod and Diane Rafael Melinda Rakesmith Arlene Ray Kay Rees Nancy and Greg Rees Reichman Plumbing, John and Jennie Reichman In Memory of Jane Reichman Hannelore and Robert Ricer Brad and Mary Jane Rippel Steve and Brenda Rippeth Scott and Kim Robinson Laurel Roll Frank and Sue Rose Connie Roth Jeff and Norma Ryan Peter Salom Sandra Samsa Elaine Santee Lynn and Kyle Schaar Jeff Schmitt School House Winery Glenda Sclater Bob and Becky Seward Mike and Kathy Shoffner Jeff and Roberta Shrock Tom and Jill Simmelink Chris and Marsha Smith Flo Smith Joe and Karen Sousaris Jan Speicher Sarah Spies Bruce and Suzanne Stauffer Mike and Kathy Steinebrey Paul McEwan and Elizabeth Stephenson Janet and Richard Stoffer Janis Stover Tom, Amy & Noah Strickler Cristal Studer Jaqueline Stutz Superior Clay Agnes Swigart Ned and Carol Tango Dr. Malcom and Peggy Taylor Kay Tedrick Donna Jean Thomas Serena J. Thurin TMK Valley Propane Elmer and Alice Tope The Trimbles Trinity Twin City Hospital Trinity Hospital Twin City Surgery Department Kevin Tripp and Tina McPeck Tritt Party of 4 The Trophy Connection Trent and Tammie Troyer Brian and Christine Valot Robert and Carolyn Wallace Lorane Walton Perry and Robin Waltz Robert and Tracey Ward Steve and Janet Warden Jody Ware Mike and Crisi Warner Kevin and Sue Warrene Mark and Pat Warther Harry and Marla Watkins Rickie and Ashley Watson Jack Wells Virginia and Todd Whetstone Andrea White Regina Whittingham Barry and Sue Williams Steve and Julie Williams Stephenie Wilson Tom and Pat Wilt Amy Wise Glenn and Tina Wisse Janet and Bill Wolfe Alec Worth David and Paula Worth Gerald and Jane Wortman WTUZ LaMar and Karon Wyse Dave and Coke Yaggi Barbara Young Ed and Gerrie Young |
Thank you to our Corporate Partners: Alfred and Maryann FearonRick and Bethann Hinig |