
ETW-Determining the Job Change Reason


Status Change
Job Change Reason Code
06 - Faculty to Unclassified A faculty member transferring to an unclassified position
07 - Unclassified to Faculty An unclassified staff member transferring to a faculty assignment
08 - Classified to Unclassified/Faculty A classified staff member transfers to an unclassified/faculty assignment.
09 - Unclassified to Classified An unclassified staff member transfers to a classified assignment.
10 - Student to Staff/Faculty position A student employee changing to a classified, unclassified or Faculty assignment.
11 - PT Faculty to FT Faculty A part-time faculty member changes to full-time status.
12 - NTT to TT Faculty A non-tenure track faculty member changes to tenure track status.
13 - TT to NTT Faculty A tenure track faculty member changes to non-tenure status.
43 - Status Change / Change in Hours Used when an employee changes from PT to FT, FT to PT or when there is a formal change in PT
FTE. Also used to enact other types of classified employee status changes such as PT to
Intermittent, Non-seasonal to Seasonal, etc.
Leave of Absence
Job Change Reason Code
16 - Leave of Absence/Sabbatical A faculty or staff member who goes on an approved leave of absence or sabbatical.
17 - Return from Leave of Absence A faculty or staff member who returns to work after an approved leave of absence or sabbatical.
Salary Adjustments
Job Change Reason Code
22 - Annual Pay Increase The annual pay increase for faculty, unclassified and non-bargaining staff.
23 - Pay Increase A faculty or staff member who receives an increase in pay without a promotion, transfer, or any other action (i.e. increase as a result of a salary review or an increase related to a contractual agreement.
24 - AFSCME Training Pay Increase An employee in the AFSCME bargaining unit who receives a pay increase related to the completion skill related training.
27 - Pay Decrease A faculty or staff member who receives a decrease in pay without any other action or change.
28 - Additional Pay
(Contract, Duties, Merit)
A faculty or staff member who receives an increase in pay related to a contractual agreement, additional assignment duties or based upon merit.
Job Change Reason Code
38 - Promotion When a staff member is promoted from one position to another position which has greater responsibilities and is in a higher pay grade or faculty change in rank as a result of a promotion. A
promotion will involve a change in title, pay grade and a salary increase.
Job Change Reason Code
48 - Interdepartmental Transfer When an employee transfers to a department outside of their current division and does not involve a change in title, pay, etc.
49 - Intradepartmental Transfer When an employee transfers within their current division and does not involve a change in title,
pay, etc.
54 - Funding Change Any change in funding account.
75 - Voluntary Demotion An employee who voluntarily applies and accepts a position in a lower pay grade that may result in a pay decrease.
87 - Departmental Restructure Used when changes result from an organizational change within a department or division.
91 - Title / Pay Grade Change Used when there is a change to title and pay grade.
92 - Pay Grade Change Used when there is a change to pay grade only.
93 - Title Change Used when there is a change in title only.
Iterim / Term / Temp Assignments
Job Change Reason Code
59 - Term/Temporary Assignment A short term assignment that is scheduled for a specific time period.
60 - Renew/Extend Term/Temp Assignment Used for an extension of a short term assignment.
61 - Return from Interim/Temp Assignment Used when an employee returns to their previous assignment following an interim or temporary assignment.
63 - Interim Assignment Used when an employee is temporarily acting in place of another person.
64 - Renewal of Term Assignment and Pay Increase Used for an extension of a short term assignment and a pay increase.
Job Change Reason Code
62 - End of Term/Temp Assignment Used when a short term assignment ends.