Scheduled Preventative Maintenance
All University room entry protocols and policies will be followed as this required preventative maintenance is completed in all student rooms on a rolling six-month basis whether the student room is currently occupied or vacant. Signs will be posted in the building to inform students when preventative maintenance is to be completed.
The following is a list of tasks that will be completed during this scheduled preventative maintenance:
Fan Coil Units
A full inspection of the HVAC unit in the room
Lubrication and cleaning including the motor, FCU inside and out top and bottom compartments, return ductwork and registers
Inspection of the drain pan, flush and prime drain line, install algaecide tablets
Inspect coils for leaks, check control valves for proper operation, inspect coil fin condition and sweep, clean coil as needed
Check motor electrical connections and wiring, mounting brackets and hold downs bolts, check and clean motor vent, check bearings and blower wheel
Replace filters, fan blower wheel and shaft, check fan blades and moving parts for excessive wear, and clean as needed
Clean the exterior of the HVAC unit, restart, bleed all air out of risers for the building, check unit thermostat and operation
Ensure all lighting is operating as designed
Ensure outlets are operating as designed
Ensure wiremold is secure and not damaged
Ensure any room automation is operating as designed where applicable
Ensure robe hooks or towel bars are secure
Ensure soap dispensers work properly
Ensure toilet paper dispenser is secure
Ensure ADA hardware is secure
Ensure faucets and shower valves work properly
Ensure shower doors and latches work as designed
Inspect caulking and replace as needed
Inspect shower door sweep
Ensure all drains operate as designed with maximum waterflow
Ensure toilets flush and fill normally
Inspect flooring
Verify lighting is working properly