Honors College Advisory Committee
The Honors College Advisory Committee is an advisory group to the Dean of the Honors College made up of 12 Honors faculty and 4 student representatives. Members recommend changes in curriculum, changes in academic requirements, new programs, course and instructor evaluation procedures. The Dean and Faculty members of this committee also serve on Honors Thesis committees as Honors College Representatives.
2023/2024 Committee Members
- Chris Banks, Political Science, cbanks6@kent.edu
- Mark Kershner, Biological Sciences, mkershne@kent.edu
- Kim Cleveland, Nursing, kthoma43@kent.edu
- Mary Ann Devine, Cultural Foundations/Recreation, Park and Tourism Management, mdevine@kent.edu
- Leslie Heaphy, History, Stark Campus, lheaphy@kent.edu
- Ryan Hediger, English, rhediger@kent.edu
- Robin Joynes, Psychology, rjoynes@kent.edu
- David Pereplyotchik, Philosophy, dpereply@kent.edu
- Shana Resig, Art History, sreisig@kent.edu
- Krissie Riewe, Fashion Design & Merchandising, kriewe@kent.edu
- Susan Roxburgh, Sociology/Criminology and Justice Studies, sroxburg@kent.edu
- Brett Tippey, Faculty Senate Observer, College of Architecture & Environmental Design, btippey@kent.edu
Additional Thesis Committee Members
- Ed Dauterich, Professor/Assistant UG Coordinator, English, edauteri@kent.edu
- Don-John Dugas, Associate Professor, English, ddugas@kent.edu
- Jihyun Kim Vick, Professor, School of Fashion, jkim55@kent.edu
- Natasha Levinson, Associate Professor, Foundation, Leadership & Administration, nlevinso@kent.edu
- Amy Miracle, Assistant Professor, School of Health Sciences, amiracle@kent.edu
- Angela Neal-Barnett, Professor, Pscyhological Sciences, aneal@kent.edu
- Alexander Seed, Professor, Chemistry/Biochemistry, aseed@kent.edu
- David Singer, Associate Professor, Earth Sciences, dsinger4@kent.edu
- Alison Smith, Professor, Earth Sciences, alisonjs@kent.edu
- Jennifer Taber, Assistant Professor, Psychological Sciences, jtaber1@kent.edu