Undergraduate Programs

At the undergraduate level, the Department of History offers a B.A. degree and a minor in History

Why History?

Valuable Skills

Why earn a History degree? Students who earn a degree in History gain the ability to think critically, read analytically, and research and write effectively.

Career Flexibility

History majors are flexible, able to turn their talents to a variety of different careers. Undergraduates who major in History pursue careers in business, government, public service, the nonprofit sector, law, and education.


In the last decade, the Department of History has experienced a tremendous increase in the number of students who choose to major or minor in the discipline.

Our Courses

Courses offered in the Department of History range widely across the chronologic and geographic sweep of humankind's existence. 

  • Introductory lecture courses prepare students for the challenges of living and working in the global community of the twenty-first century. 
  • Upper-division courses provide students challenging perspectives on a variety of topics, providing them with the means to sharpen their reading, research and writing skills. 
  • "Special Topics" courses offer unique opportunities to study a subject linked with a faculty member's research expertise or interests.