

University policy for promotion requires that a candidate possesses the terminal degree in his/her discipline in order to be promoted to Associate Professor or Professor.  All UL faculty members possess the Master of Library Science (MLS) degree or equivalent, the terminal degree in librarianship.  The expectation is that initial appointments in UL are made at the level of Assistant Professor.

Recommendation for promotion shall be based on the following criteria:

a. Performance: To be assessed on the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities associated with the assigned track of the candidate. An NTT faculty member standing for promotion shall have demonstrated consistently strong job performance and UL job-related service, which meet or exceed the performance standards established for his or her position as primarily documented in annual performance evaluations (written by the candidate's supervisor) and all three-year performance reviews (as required by  the FT-NTT CBA). This is the primary criterion for promotion.

b. Professional development: To be assessed as it relates to the assigned track of the candidate. An NTT faculty member standing for promotion shall demonstrate a consistent record of professional development that has enhanced job performance or understanding of the field.

c. University and UL citizenship:  To be assessed as it relates to the assigned track of the candidate. For NTT faculty members, it includes service activities not necessarily tied directly to one's job responsibilities, but which contribute to the overall mission of UL and the University.

Evidence of significant accomplishments in both performance and professional development is required for promotion. Accomplishments and/or contributions in the area of University and UL citizenship are neither required nor expected, but will, when they exist, contribute to the bargaining unit member's overall record of accomplishments. However, citizenship activities that fulfill a requirement for UL NTT participation, such as NPAC and CAC, are to be given full weight in the evaluation of a faculty member. Prior to engaging in University and UL citizenship that have the potential to impinge on work time, NTT faculty members will confer with their supervisors.