

Clean, concise language is essential for accessibility.  provides EXCELLENT GUIDANCE on writing cleanly. 


Choosing better language

Avoid the following:

  • Lengthy event explanations
  • Wordy paragraphs
  • Jargon or language above a 5th grade reading level. (even at a university? Yes.)
  • ABLEIST LANGUAGE: any word or phrase that devalues people who have a disability. Though often inadvertent, ableist language suggests that people with disabilities are abnormal.


Create an email or graphic then use a tool to count the words. See if you can reduce the word count by 30% if an email and 20% if other content.

test your writing

Setting a goal of simple writing probably won't be enough to lower the reading level. Test it! Go to this , paste a paragraph into the box, then click "Check Text Readability". Simplify, then repeat until at least one of the formulas reads 5th grade or lower.