Dave McClellan
Part-time Instructor
Office Location:
TLH 117
Dave McClellan has been immersed in the study and practice of public speaking for 18+ years. Besides his role as adjunct faculty at KSU and John Carroll University, Dave is a full-time pastor and student of the dynamics of public communication. Dave has been a contributing member to the Evangelical Homiletic Society, and has published a book on homiletics entitled Preaching By Ear. When he鈥檚 not preparing to speak or teach, Dave is probably working on some home improvement project or doing something outdoors. Dave holds a M.Div. from Denver Seminary and a Ph.D. in Communication & Rhetoric from Duquesne University, specializing in orality studies.
Ph.D. in Communication and Rhetoric, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
M.Div. in Pastoral Studies, Denver Seminary, Englewood, Colorado
B.S. in Speech Communication, Grace College, Winora Lake, Indiana
M.Div. in Pastoral Studies, Denver Seminary, Englewood, Colorado
B.S. in Speech Communication, Grace College, Winora Lake, Indiana