
Flashes Feature Families KUNDEL-GOWERS


The Kundel-Gowers: Tayler (29), Taylor (28), Liam (10), Ezra (3), and Judah (2)

What inspired you to become foster/adoptive parents?
We wanted to start a family and planned to have both adopted and biological children. Because the main goal of foster care is reunification with birth family whenever possible, we wanted to help out the community and figured that eventually things would fall into place and we'd be matched with our forever kids. We got really extraordinarily lucky and our first phone call from the agency was for our three children who were seeking a permanent home.  

What are your favorite family activities:
We all have our own individual hobbies, but one thing we all like to do is hike. We also enjoy watching movies together and we are big fans of reading.

If you were going to start a club for foster/adoptive parents, what would it be?
Any club that has a lot of snacks and coffee is certainly a club for us.

Favorite family quarantine activities?
We caved and bought a big swing set/playground during quarantine and that has been a fan favorite around here. We also have about 100 library books checked out at all times! Of course, we've watched entirely too much television. We've explored new board games, painted, cooked, built countless cities of blocks, and some of us (I won't say who) were even POTTY TRAINED during quarantine! 

Top five places to take the family to eat:
Eating out with two toddlers is not on our list of favorite activities, but we'll give this a go!

  1. The kids LOVE Burger King; moms are less enthusiastic about it. But, pre-COVID, dinner and a playground was a pretty good time
  2. Ezra and Judah are fond of running laps around Olive Garden while the rest of us apologize and devour breadsticks
  3. Taco Bell is something we all enjoy
  4. If moms have their druthers, Bombay Curry and Grill Indian restaurant
  5. Who doesn't love a box of munchkins (and BIG coffees!) from Dunkin'?

Would your family rather skydive or scuba dive?
Land, please!

A song title that best describes your family:
Kooks by David Bowie

Who is the better cook?
Tayler and Ezra are the master chefs

Who is the loudest in the house? 
Liam can be heard a mile away!

Who tells the best jokes?
Taylor and Judah are the class clowns

Dream family vacation:
National Parks road trip!

What advice would you give someone who is considering fostering or adoption?
If it's something you really want to do, but something is holding you back, please go above your hesitation. We've all heard horror stories about foster care, be it the extensive safety inspections, the paperwork, lengthy training, behavioral issues, the fear of loss, etc. It's true, the risks are great, but the rewards are often equally, if not more, great. We can only speak to our experience and everyone's experience with fostering and/or adopting will undoubtedly be unique, but we've found that the "hurdles" really aren't so tremendous when you have an agency that goes above and beyond for you and your children. That's what we've found at Trumbull County Children's Services. The inspections and paperwork sound like a lot, but once you get started, you do it in bite-sized pieces and it goes so quickly. Yes, children who have experienced trauma can exhibit behavioral issues, but you're going to have a team of experts at your side to help you advocate for your kids and make sure they get the mental health services they need. It's a great team to be on. Our kids are a literal dream come true and if you have a similar dream for your family, go for it!

For more information or to meet some of the children who are hoping for a forever home, visit 


POSTED: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 08:48 AM
UPDATED: Saturday, October 05, 2024 11:58 AM