
Alternative Formats

What are alternative format accommodations?

Alternative format accommodations are intended to provide access for students with print-based disabilities, including visual and learning disabilities. These accommodations are determined based on individual needs after a review of relevant documentation and student information. Students using alternative format accommodations should request their course accommodation letters as soon as possible each semester to allow adequate time for acquiring the necessary materials. Students are responsible for acquiring textbooks and other course materials that are not provided by the instructor or the university prior to receiving the appropriate alternative format of that item. Students are responsible for identifying and using the appropriate technology needed to utilize all accommodations, including a device and screen reader or text-to-speech program. SAS is not responsible for training students to use this technology but can provide suggestions for training resources and free or low-cost software options. All students are expected to navigate online resources like Canvas and Flashline independently; students whose disability requires a screen reader are expected to be proficient in the software of their choice, such as JAWS or NVDA. Students should alert SAS if they encounter a required website that is not accessible via screen reader.


This accommodation is appropriate for students whose disability requires an audio form of written materials. SAS will provide students with an electronic copy of any required course materials; students must purchase any textbooks or materials that are not provided by the instructor or the university.  

Student Responsibilities:

  • Purchase textbooks or other required materials and provide a copy of the receipt to SAS. Where possible, students should try to purchase the electronic version of a textbook rather than the print version. 
  • Send copies of articles, textbooks, or other provided materials to SAS if these documents require editing.  

Enlarged Print

This accommodation is appropriate for students whose disability requires enlarged text for printed items. Where possible, this accommodation is provided electronically through digital materials that can be enlarged on a computer screen. Items that cannot be enlarged digitally may be enlarged manually and provided on paper. Students may need to utilize the CCTV to enlarge maps, models, or other detailed documents. If a hard copy of materials is necessary for in-class participation, students should alert SAS as soon as possible.  


In some circumstances, printed materials that cannot be made accessible digitally may be converted to Braille or tactile format. SAS will work with the student to provide these materials as needed.

Contact your Access Advisor with questions or concerns.