
Passport Grant Success Program

Research and Economic Development (RAED) is piloting a new incentive program designed to increase the quality of grant submissions. If you accomplish the following steps by the stated deadlines, you will receive $500 in a university faculty incentive index (account).

Eligibility : Must be submitting a new grant proposal to an entity that pays full indirect costs. This program can also be used for one revision of an application as long as there are significant changes to the proposal to address reviewer concerns.  If you are using the program for a grant revision you will be asked to submit your reviewer critiques/summary statements to demonstrate that significant changes were requested. 


  • Contact your program officer to ensure that your idea falls within their funding portfolio. Include the program officer鈥檚 name, contact info, and brief synopsis of the discussion.
  • Meet with a member of the Office of Sponsored Programs to create a Kuali record and budget. You are encouraged to contact Sponsored Programs as soon as possible, but no later than 10 business days prior to the proposal due date. The budget and all KUALI tasks must be finalized five business days prior to the proposal due date.  Include who you met with and the date you met.
  • Seek an internal review of the proposal. Identify a colleague or work with Doug Delahanty to identify someone to provide an internal review of the application. The proposal must be provided to the reviewer at least 3 weeks prior to the deadline to ensure sufficient time for the reviewer to provide a quality review and for you to adequately address comments. 


  • Seek an external review of the proposal. Identify an external expert (ideally someone who has recently served on the study section that will review your application). Ensure that the reviewer meets necessary criteria according to the External Reviewer program (RAED will pay $200 to the reviewer for an NIH- or NSF-style review). The proposal must be distributed for external review at least 3 weeks prior to the deadline to ensure sufficient time for the reviewer to provide a quality review and for you to adequately address comments.
  • Submit all final grant documents to the Office of Sponsored Programs at least four full business days prior to the deadline. You may still be able to continue work and make edits to final narrative documents up until 24 hours prior to the submission deadline. Sponsored Programs recommends that the proposal be submitted to the agency as early as possible. Submitting your proposal to the agency one full day prior to the due date will allow sufficient time for the Sponsored Programs staff to correct errors or work through any electronic submission problems that may be encountered.

A final proposal must be successfully submitted and accepted for review by the sponsoring agency in order to qualify for the $500 Incentive.