
5 - 08.102

Operational procedures and regulations regarding release of name and address listings

  1. Procedures for release of name and address listings from computer services.
    1. Any individual wishing to request rosters, labels or listings of university students, faculty, staff or associates from computer services should go to the appropriate sponsoring agency to secure an approval form. A sample of the material to be distributed should be attached to the approval sheet.
    2. If the sponsoring agent, having consulted such rules as the university rule on the collection, retention and dissemination of information about students, the sales and solicitation rule and the human subjects review rule, finds no violation in the intended use of the listings, he/she may indicate approval by affixing an approved signature to the request.
    3. The following are the authorized sponsoring agencies:
      1. Vice president for enrollment management and student affairs if the request is from a student organization;
      2. Dean of college or school if the request is from a faculty member;
      3. Dean of college or school if the request is from a student on a research project; and
      4. Vice president of the appropriate area if the request is from an administrative staff member.
    4. Upon receipt of the appropriate sponsoring agency signature, the sheet must be taken to the manager of the list. Generally, any list of students is managed by the registrar's office. A list of nonacademic personnel is managed by the nonacademic personnel office. Faculty and staff listings are managed by the president's office. Information pertaining to the manager of any list not noted on the sheet may be obtained through computer services.
    5. When the form is signed by both sponsor and manager, approval is granted. The form is to be taken to computer services, where the process of printing the authorized list will be completed.
    6. Approved requests must be submitted to computer services two weeks or ten working days prior to the date it is needed in order to allow for processing time.
    7. No lists will be granted to individuals or organizations to advocate action which is contrary to law or university policy.
    8. No lists will be granted to individuals or organizations seeking to solicit for personal gain.
    9. Consistent with the university rule on the collection, retention and dissemination of information about students, no student rosters may be made available to nonuniversity sources. Requesting agencies should be referred to the student directory published annually in the fall and available to the public at the university bookstore. The only exceptions to this would be the supplied to contractors performing university services, such as the insurance company carrying our student health insurance coverage.
  2. Office procedure regarding the release of name and address listings from computer services.
    1. The office of campus life will sponsor those requests for lists required to implement all campus elections to governing or honorary bodies. No charge will be made for these lists.
    2. All other requests which meet the criteria for the dissemination of information regarding students will be approved by the office of campus life; however, they will be assigned the lowest priority for computer time, and the requesting organization will be charged at the rate in effect at the time. In addition, output such as labels or printouts will be charged at the current forms cost.
    3. The Family Rights and Privacy Act prohibits the giving of individual student grades to anyone other than faculty or staff acting within their capacity on legitimate university business. This would prohibit giving honoraries or any other student group individual student grades or a list of all students over a specific grade point average. The office of campus life may, however, obtain a list of all students who meet the minimum academic standards for induction into the honorary and mail information provided by the honorary to the individual student group.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 10/5/1979, 10/26/1979, 4/5/1982, 5/7/1982, 6/5/1995, 3/7/2000, 6/1/2007