
Spotlight KSU Biology Graduate Student Council

Q&A with KSU Biology Graduate Student Council co-president Jordyn Stoll 

Office of Sustainability October 2020 Newsletter

bee on cone flower

How many members are involved in your organization?
There are six elected positions for the council, including two graduate student senate representatives. Three students come from biological sciences, and three come from biomedical sciences. 
What types of activities is your group involved with?
Our group represents students in our department at the graduate student senate and graduate studies committee meetings, as well as puts on events to boost community building and morale among graduate students. To host these events, we do various fundraisers, such as donation dinners and t-shirt sales. 
What types of activities planning for this year (if known)?
If COVID permits, we hope to paddle the Cuyahoga in the spring. We have Tea Times monthly, trivia nights, as well as a scattering of other events. These events are mainly for graduate students in our department, but others are welcome to attend!
How can students get involved with your organization?
Graduate students in our department can run to be elected for a position on the council, and any graduate student can attend any of our events. 

Learn more about the ~25 sustainability-related student organizations on campus