Sarah Rilling
Department of English
Emeritus Professor
Contact Information
Sarah Rilling (PhD, Northern Arizona University, 1998) is a professor in the area of teaching English as a second/additional language (TESL) within the Department of English. She teaches courses in applied linguistics, including language study (Descriptive Grammar), language policy (Sociolinguistics in Schooling), language curriculum (English for Specific Purposes), and language pedagogy (Practicum). Rilling's research and publications focus on inquiry and action in language teaching in an age of standards and nativization processes in modern language contact. Administrative work for English has resulted in licensure and endorsement programs in TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages) and a Bachelor of Arts in TESL.
Sample Books
Dantas-Whitney, M. & Rilling, S. (Eds). (2017). Voices from the language classroom: Participant inquiry in secondary schools. Alexandria, VA, TESOL, Inc.
Dantas-Whitney, M. & Rilling, S. (Eds). (2010). Authenticity in the language classroom and beyond: Children and adolescent learners. Alexandria, VA: TESOL, Inc. pp. viii; 264
Rilling, S. & Dantas-Whitney, M. (Eds). (2009). Authenticity in the language classroom and beyond: Adult Learners. Alexandria, VA: TESOL, Inc. pp. viii; 262.
Hanson-Smith, E. & Rilling, S. (Eds.). (2006). Learning languages through computers. Alexandria, VA: TESOL, Inc. pp. iv. 332.
Sample Articles
Matsuura, H., Rilling, S., Chiba, R., Kim, J., & Nur, R. (2017). Intelligibility and comprehensibility in English as a lingua franca: Nativized English in Japanese. Asian Englishes.
Matsuura, H., Chiba, R., Mahoney, S., & Rilling, S. (2014). Accent and speech rate effects in English as a lingua franca. System, 46, 143-150.
Ph.D. Northern Arizona University