
Teen Dating in the 21st Century: The Impact of Alcohol, Drugs, and Sex

Online Workshop:

Teen Dating in the 21st Century: The Impact of Alcohol, Drugs, and Sex

This workshop is designed to provide parents, students, and professionals with the skills and tools to work with teenagers who are involved in dating. Teenage dating has evolved during the 21st century to a point that teens as young as twelve and thirteen are now dating and engaging in sexual activities, as well as the use of drugs and alcohol. It is conceivable that today鈥檚 youth are engaging in these adult-like activities without the maturity or knowledge of how to protect themselves from harm. It is paramount that parents and professionals learn what is needed to assist teens in making good decisions and being safe in today鈥檚 society. Those who understand and provide appropriate guidance can make a difference in teenagers being safe or being harmed by others, or by situations in which they are vulnerable.

Required Textbook: Foster Cline, MD & Jim Fay. Parenting Teens with Love and Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood (2020). Nav Press, ISBN-13 978-1641581554

  • 1 undergraduate credit hour: CES 40093
  • 1 graduate credit hour: CES 50093

Dr. Sandra Miller-Jones, Instructor, LDES


For specific workshop dates, CRNs, and registration information, visit the main credit workshop page then click on the semester you are looking for.