Student Journalists Earn Recognition for Coverage of National Issues

Society of Professional Journalists Honor Student Coverage of Race, Pandemic, Election

In 2020-21, student journalists in the ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊ State School of Media and Journalism responded to the nation’s turbulent news cycle β€” a once-in-a-century pandemic, a combative presidential election and nationwide protests in support of racial justice and equality β€” by digging in and covering these issues on a local level.

They’re now being recognized for their important work. ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊ State has earned 12 honors in the Society of Professional Journalists’ (SPJ) Regional Mark of Excellence Awards. ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊ State is part of Region 4, which comprises universities in Michigan, West Virginia, Ohio and Western Pennsylvania.

Of the 12 awards, ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊ State earned two top regional honors. These pieces β€” both of which cover race relations on campus β€” will now be judged against top winners in each region across the country:

  • Winner – Online News Reporting – The Rock series by ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊWired Staff (, , , )
  • Winner – Online/Digital News Videography – by ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊWired Staff

Included in these recent honors from SPJ, four ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊ State Student Media partners earned recognition as finalists for best all-around in their divisions:

  • The ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊ Stater – Finalist, Best All-Around Student Newspaper (Large University)
  • – Finalist, Best Student Magazine
  • – Finalist, Best Student Magazine
  • – Finalist, Best Affiliated Website

In addition, TV2 News was named a finalist for Best All-Around Newscast (single show) for its March 10, 2020 broadcast, the day ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊ shifted to remote learning at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other finalist honors include:

  • Online Feature Reporting: - by Madison MacArthur, '20
  • COVID-19 Newspaper/Online Coverage: - by Connor Steffen, '22
  • General Column Writing: - by Michael Reiner, '20
  • Photo Illustration: Your Voice Ohio illustration - by Cameron Peters, '21
  • Television Feature Reporting: - by Gianna DaPra, '21

A strength of ΒιΆΉΣ°ΤΊ State’s journalism program is the abundant opportunities for students to cover what’s happening in the world in real time, School of Media and Journalism Director Emily Metzgar, Ph.D., said.

 β€œThis year, we saw our student journalists rise to the occasion and cover complex issues β€” all while continuing to adjust to remote work and learning,” Metzgar said. β€œI’m pleased to see their work on issues of health, race, politics and more recognized by the Society of Professional Journalists.”

POSTED: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 12:26 PM
UPDATED: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 12:52 PM