Forensic Genetics


Molecular Forensics

From 2008 to 2014, I was a forensic scientist in the High Sensitivity DNA group at the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, New York City – the only laboratory in the United States accredited for “touch DNA” analyses (e.g. skin cells on a knife handle).  My forensic expertise includes examination of crime scene evidence for the presence of biological materials (blood, semen, saliva, and skin cells) and interpretation of resultant DNA data.  I have been recognized by the New York City Supreme Court as an expert witness in the fields of Forensic Biology & DNA Analysis and testified several times in the courts of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx.  I have received DNA auditor training from FBI instructors and have been an officially approved laboratory auditor since December 2008.  I am one of the first forensic scientists in the United States to testify to the results of likelihood ratio tests as used in DNA mixture comparisons and one of only ~25 people in this country specifically trained to testify to the results of “touch DNA” analyses.

Forensic scientist using a swab to recover DNA evidence  Forensic scientist using a swab to recover DNA evidence



FORENSICS EXPERIENCE (Medical Examiner’s Office [OCME], New York City)


2010-2014        Expert Witness Testimony (Forensic Biology & DNA Analysis) – testified for numerous cases in New York City Supreme Court (assaults &


2009-2014        High Sensitivity (“Touch DNA”) techniques – specialized protocols and analyses for samples containing miniscule amounts of DNA (1 to 20   

                           cells).  OCME is the only U.S. casework laboratory accredited for low-copy DNA testing.

2009-2014         DNA Data accepted by CODIS – annual review of regulations governing the submission of DNA profiles to the federal, state, and local DNA


2013                  Prescription for Criminal Justice Forensics – annual symposium co-sponsored by the American Bar Association and Fordham University

                           School of Law.  Topics include Admissibility of Forensic Science Evidence, Emerging Technologies, Laboratory Ethics, and DNA Mixture Analysis

                           and Statistics.

2013                   Bloodstain Pattern Analysis – workshop led by Norman Marin, MS (OCME).  Comparison of low-, medium-, and high-velocity spatters. 

                           Calculation of angle of impact.  Examination of transfer patterns, cast-off, and voids.

2012                   Forensic Relationship Testing – workshop led by Kelly Beatty, MS (Marshall University). Standard Trio Comparisons, Single Parent

                           Comparisons, Reverse Paternity Comparisons, Complex Relationship Statistics (Full and half siblings).

2012                   Techniques for Forensic DNA analysis – workshop led by Dr. John Butler (National Institute of Standards and Technology).  Statistical Analysis

                           of DNA Data, Mixture Interpretation, STR markers & CE Instrumentation, Low-Copy DNA.

2011                   Use of the Likelihood Ratio in Forensic DNA analyses  – workshop led by Dr. Adell Mitchell (OCME).  Likelihood ratio comparisons of suspect

                           DNA profiles against forensic mixtures, including estimated drop-in and drop-out rates.

2009                   Forensic DNA Statistics – workshop led by Dr. George Carmody (Carleton University). Characteristics of Forensic STR Loci, Random Match

                           Probability, Probability of Inclusion, Likelihood Ratios, Y-STR & mtDNA frequencies.

2008                   Forensic Laboratory Auditor Training – workshop led by Richard Guerreri and Heather Subert (FBI Forensics Laboratory, DNA Analysis Unit)

                           following the National DNA Quality Assurance Standards.