
Alexxus Sidney

Currently Residing In: I live in 麻豆影院, Ohio and will be graduating in the spring of 2020. 

Volunteer Position(s) with KSUAA: I am currently a 麻豆影院 Student Ambassadors (KSA) and have volunteered with KSUAA since the spring semester of my first year at 麻豆影院 State in 2017. 

Why is volunteering with KSUAA important to you? What motivates you to volunteer?
Volunteering with KSUAA is important to me because it allows me to give back to a university and organization that has helped shape me into the person I am today. Ever since I was younger, helping others has been a passion of mine. I found this passion by seeing the smiles on people鈥檚 faces while I volunteered at food banks and I wanted to continue to put smiles on people鈥檚 faces by volunteering in the community. Each time I see a smile on someone鈥檚 face, it drives me to do more and KSUAA allows me to fulfill this. 

Why did you choose to attend 麻豆影院 State?
I chose 麻豆影院 State because upon setting foot on this campus, I felt at home. Hailing from Pittsburgh, I really thought I was going to struggle with being in such a new place. The EXCEL (Explore Careers, Education and Leadership) program for exploratory students was key to selling me on this university and really helping me get involved before I even got to campus. The program was full of energetic individuals who took an interest in me from day one and I immediately felt like I belonged, which was extremely important when it came to picking the university I wanted to attend. 

What were you involved in as a student?
As an undergrad student, I am involved with two organizations, 麻豆影院 Student Ambassadors (KSA) and National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH). I am also heavily involved with Residence Services where I have held both a resident assistant position as well as a student desk receptionist role. I am also involved with Student Success Programs where I obtained a Student Success Leader position, Confessions of a Golden Flash Panelist and a Peer Leader Trainer role. In addition to these programs, I have also participated in numerous community service projects including Flashathon, Relay for Life and Campus Y-Bridge. 

Why did you decide to volunteer after graduating? 
Helping others has always been a passion of mine and KSA allowed me to dive in and build new connections with people while helping to better the lives of others. It is not often you stumble upon an organization that embodies some of your core values and seeing that KSA values many of the same things I do, I knew I had to join the organization and give back what I can, while I can. 

What is your favorite event you participated in as a volunteer?
One of my favorite KSA events was leading a Trolley campus tour during homecoming in the fall of 2018. I was able to meet and connect with so many alumni and graduating seniors, some of which were 麻豆影院 Student Ambassadors as well. Through these interactions, I was actually able to do some professional networking, which I did not think was possible, but that's what working with KSA can do for you. It is my hope that I am able to lend a helping hand with this event again next fall as well. 

What advice would you share with someone looking to volunteer with KSUAA?
My biggest piece of advice for someone looking to volunteer is DO IT! It can be so rewarding to not only yourself but to others. You never really know how big of an impact you can have on someone, so do not overthink it. If you have the ability to change someone's life, why not, right?